Please read carefully the following instructions and the meeting’s Code of conduct  before beginning the registration process.

General instructions

There is no registration fee for attending the workshop.

The selection of participants by the committee is purely based on their qualification and the likely benefit to their research ⁄ future career related to workshop topics.

Beside that, limited travel funds to support student participation will be available for this workshop. Recipients will be notified via email.

The registration of the workshop will grant to the successful applicants the following activities and services:

  • Attending all the scientific talks and computational laboratory classes
  • Attending all cultural activities organized for CCBW Data Analysis for Planetary Sciences
  • Workshop dinner
  • All meals and Coffee breaks
  • Acommodation in a hotel or guesthouse
  • Field trip to the Atacama Desert for 1 day


Steps to Register

  1. Filling up all fields in the registration form is mandatory.
  2. Ask for a recommendation letter from your supervisor or a reference colleague. This letter has to be sent by the reference person directly to the OC email address cosparchile2022[at]gmail[dot]com until  October 15, 2022. The participants have to include the email address of their reference person in the application form (put it at the end of the motivation letter).
  3. Write a letter explaining your scientific and technical background and a statement on how you will benefit from the workshop to continue your research in the near future, at your home institution. It is recommended to list the scientific problems you may address during the workshop


Click here to access the registration form