Instruction to download and install programs for COSPAR 2023


Geoprocessing software for spatial analysis of data.

Download from the webpage (Late stable version recommended) and follow the instructions for your OS:

Download the Mappy plugin:


Docker is a tool that allows a simple configuration of programing settings, in this case for ISIS3.

Download Docker from the webpage and follow the instructions for your OS:

Docker works with containers constructed from images, download the image containing the ISIS3 build.

Just download, the configuration will be made during the workshop.

Data for Mars:

The data that will be used for Mars should be stored in the computer of all the participants, the package can be downloaded from:

ONLY for the logistics team:

In order to process the data in ISIS3, all the participant need access to some configuration files called ISISDATA, as this package is really large (probably hundreds of gygabites), the best option is to store it locally in one location/server and mount it remotely to the participants computers.

To download ISISDATA, the easiest way is using Docker (named previously) by following the instructions of the GitHub repository of ISIS3 in the section “Installation with Docker”:

After installing Docker, run the image with the following command line:

docker run -v /my/data/dir:/opt/conda/data -v /my/testdata/dir:/opt/conda/testData -it usgsastro/isis bash

Where /my/data/dir is the local folder where ISISDATA will be downloaded. The testdata is not necessary.

Then, run the download commands for the missions that will be used; Mars Express (mex), Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (mro), Mars Global Surveor (mgs):

downloadIsisData base /opt/conda/data

downloadIsisData mex /opt/conda/data

downloadIsisData mgs /opt/conda/data

downloadIsisData mro /opt/conda/data


Finally, this folder should be made accessible to all the participants.

And that should be all. As this can be a little tricky, please let me know if you need support.